Samsung SH37C Panoramska oblika 94 cm (37") LCD Wi-Fi 700 cd/m² Črna Tizen 7.0 24/7
Part number:
> Notranji Panoramska oblika Črna
> 94 cm (37") 1920 x 540 slikovnih pik LCD 700 cd/m²
> 8 ms
> Ethernet LAN Wi-Fi
Najdemo optimalno rešitev za vaše podjetje. Naši strokovnjaki za prodajo in predprodajo vsak dan izbirajo izdelke in storitve za naše stranke.
Zagotavljamo pravočasno dostavo vaše opreme, ne glede na to, kje se nahajate. Sodelujemo z globalnimi partnerji, da bi zagotovili optimalno logistiko.
Ponujamo podporo pri uvajanju rešitev v vaše podjetje. Naši usposobljeni inženirji vam pomagajo učinkovito upravljati vašo infrastrukturo.
Naši strokovnjaki za RMA hitro in učinkovito obravnavajo pritožbe in zamenjave opreme, tako da lahko vaše poslovanje poteka nemoteno.
Samsung SH37C. Zasnova izdelka: Panoramska oblika. Diagonala zaslona: 94 cm (37"), Tehnologija zaslona: LCD, Ločljivost zaslona: 1920 x 540 slikovnih pik, Svetlost zaslona: 700 cd/m². Wi-Fi. Ure delovanja (ur/dan): 24/7. Nameščen operacijski sistem: Tizen 7.0. Barva izdelka: Črna
Energy Label:
Product Fiche:
Vrsta panela
Diagonala zaslona
![Size of the display for this product Diagonala zaslona](
94 cm (37")
Tehnologija zaslona
![The technology used in the display e.g. plasma Tehnologija zaslona](
Ločljivost zaslona
![The number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed. It is usually quoted as width × height Ločljivost zaslona](
1920 x 540 slikovnih pik
Svetlost zaslona
![Brightness is the amount of radiating light emitted from the screen. The brightness rating is measured in candellas per square meter Svetlost zaslona](
700 cd/m²
Zaslon na dotik
![A screen of a laptop Zaslon na dotik](
Razmerje izvirnega prikaza
![The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of an image to its height. The native aspect ratio is the one which the projector/display is particularly designed for. Images shown in native aspect ratio will utilize the entire resolution of the display and achieve maximum brightness. Images shown in other than native aspect ratio will always have less resolution and less brightness than images shown in native aspect ratio. Razmerje izvirnega prikaza](
Odzivni čas
![The response time is the time difference between the moment that a source (for example a video card) sends a signal and that equipment (for example a monitor) receives or display the signal. (Used abbreviations: R/F = Rise and Fall.) Odzivni čas](
8 ms
Razmerje kontrasta (tipično)
![The difference in light intensity between the brightest white and the darkest black. Razmerje kontrasta (tipično)](
Marketinško ime razmerja dinamičnega kontrasta
Mega kontrast
Zorni kot, vodoravno
![Maximum horizontal angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance. Zorni kot, vodoravno](
Zorni kot, navpično
![Maximum vertical angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance. Zorni kot, navpično](
Razdalja med slikovnimi pikami
![This is the parameter of a picture tube Razdalja med slikovnimi pikami](
0,47 x 0,47 mm
Diagonala zaslona (metrično)
![This is the size of the display screen Diagonala zaslona (metrično)](
94 cm
Frekvenca slikovnih točk (največja)
48 MHz
Stopnja zamegljenosti
Območje vodoravnega skeniranja
33,6 - 36,6 kHz
Območje navpičnega skeniranja
47 - 63 Hz
Barvna lestvica
Vrata in vmesniki
Različica HDMI
Število vrat HDMI
![The number of sockets (ports) for HDMI connections. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transferring uncompressed video data and compressed/uncompressed digital audio data from a HDMI-compliant device ( Število vrat HDMI](
Vrata DVI
![Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is a video display interface to connect a video source to a display device Vrata DVI](
USB vrata
![The device features a socket into which a USB cable can be plugged. USB vrata](
Število vrat USB
Ethernet LAN
![An Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) interface is present Ethernet LAN](
Vrata Ethernet LAN (RJ-45)
![Number of Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports (connecting interfaces) in the device. Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports allow a computer to connect to the ethernet. Vrata Ethernet LAN (RJ-45)](
![Popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves. Wi-Fi](
Vmesnik RS-232
Daljinski (IR) vhod
PC avdio izhod
Zasnova izdelka
![The creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system. Zasnova izdelka](
Panoramska oblika
Podprta umestitev
![Where the product can be placed e.g. indoor/outdoor Podprta umestitev](
Barva izdelka
![The colour e.g. red Barva izdelka](
VESA pritrditev
Vezni vmesnik VESA
![The product can be used wih VESA mounting interfaces. Vezni vmesnik VESA](
400 x 200 mm
Širina okvirja (spodaj)
9,8 mm
Širina okvirja (ob strani)
7,9 mm
Širina okvirja (zgoraj)
9,8 mm
Zaslon proti bleščanju
![Always gives an optimal view Zaslon proti bleščanju](
Tip pritrditve
![Type of mounting e.g. wall mounting. Tip pritrditve](
![What the product is used for. Namen](
Ure delovanja (ur/dan)
Verzija HDCP
![High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) is a form of digital copy protection to prevent copying of digital audio and video content as it travels across connections. HDCP](
Poraba energije (običajno)
![Amount of power consumed by this model Poraba energije (običajno)](
77 W
Poraba energije (spanje)
0,5 W
Razred energetske učinkovitosti (SDR)
Vhodna napetost izmeničnega toka
![The voltage of the AC electricity that is inputted into the product. Vhodna napetost izmeničnega toka](
100 - 240 V
Vhodna frekvenca izmeničnega toka
50 - 60 Hz
Lestvica energetske učinkovitosti
A do G
Računalniški sistem
Kapaciteta notranje shrambe
![The amount e.g of data which can be stored inside the device. Kapaciteta notranje shrambe](
8 GB
Nameščen operacijski sistem
![Type of operating system on a device e.g. IOS on Apple devices Nameščen operacijski sistem](
Tizen 7.0
Teža in dimenzije
Širina zaslona
923,3 mm
Globina zaslona
44,8 mm
Višina zaslona
277,6 mm
Teža zaslona
6,3 kg
Podatki o pakiranju
Širina paketa
![The distance from one side of the packaging to the other. Širina paketa](
1112 mm
Globina paketa
![The distance from the front to the back of the packaging. Globina paketa](
122 mm
Višina paketa
![The distance from the top to the bottom of the packaging. Višina paketa](
363 mm
Teža paketa
![Weight of the packaged product. Teža paketa](
8,4 kg
Pogoji delovanja
Temperatura obratovanja (T-T)
![The minimum and maximum temperatures at which the product can be safely operated. Temperatura obratovanja (T-T)](
0 - 40 °C
Relativna vlažnost med delovanjem (H-H)
10 - 80%
Tehnični podatki
Certifikati o skladnosti
Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC)
Certifikati trajnosti
Druge funkcije
![Bluetooth is a low-power radio technology developed to replace the cables and wires currently used to link or connect electronic devices such as personal computers Bluetooth](
Prazno polje
Nepravilni format
Nepravilni format